Living in Deep Health

Centre Epidaure

The Centre Epidaure adopts a trans-disciplinary health approach that facilitates and supports a patient's autonomous discovery of their own capacities for healing and prevention.

The common vision of the doctors and paramedics of the Centre Epidaure unites the quality of care, competence, and respect for the patient as an individual person, with his or her own context and history.

The team collaborates to widen and expand this vision and to enrich the consciousness of each individual in his or her body, mind and spirit.

Prevention and comprehensive care

The focus is on two strategies, prevention and comprehensive care;
Preventive medicine which includes:
  • pre-emptive checkups,
  • food hygiene and nutrition
  • environmental hygiene and possible sources of pollution/toxicity
  • regulation of functional disorders that can lead to more serious diseases, including gastrointestinal, sleep, stress, recurrence of symptoms and weight/obesity.
  • taking into account and regulating psychosomatic disorders.
A comprehensive therapeutic approach which includes:
  • functional and psychosomatic disorders,
  • recurrent diseases,
  • support of cancer care,
  • pregnancy and parenthood,
  • chronic diseases
ÉPIDAURE asbl : 17, rue de
la Station, 1300 Limal, Belgium

A focus on the whole person

Centre Epidaure believes in treating the whole person and not just the disease. The complexity of human beings means that any disease must be considered in personal, family, historical, professional, mental and belief system contexts.

Treatment should also respect each person's individual path, while encouraging them to see the condition as an opportunity for personal development, to take stock of their life and to reflect on the physical signals being triggered by their body.
Centre Epidaure holds creative workshops to stimulate creativity and intuition
Centre Epidaure holds creative workshops to stimulate creativity and intuition