
The memory of water

By Dr Béatrice Milbert, General Practitioner.

The first person to speak about the memory of water was Jacques Benveniste, - but his theory concerning the memory of water essentially caused the end of his career. Having brought an extraordinary light to the mysterious aspects of homeopathy and opened the way to new uses for our classical pharmacopeia, Jacques Benveniste found himself deprived of his position as Director of Research at INSERM (French National Institute of Health and Medical Research). Retreating to a few prefabricated sheds on the car park of the INSERM with the most motivated of his collaborators, he continued his research, ridiculed and insulted by a scientific milieu which had now excluded him.

High dilutions of a product have an indisputable biological effect

This experiment was reported in the magazine Nature in June 1988, concerning the activity of high dilutions of histamine. In accordance with the homeopathic principle, Jacques Benveniste and his collaborators mixed a dose of histamine with water, then diluted this solution, according to the process of decimal dilution, up to the 12th decimal. At this point the solution can no longer retain an original molecule of histamine. They introduced these high dilutions of histamine into test tubes containing basophilic white blood cells and then added classic doses of anti–IgE, intended to trigger the degranulation of the basophiles. They noted that the high dilution histamine inhibited the degranulation of the basophiles. Taking into account the theoretical absence of the histamine molecules, this effect should not have existed.

This experiment demonstrates, of course, that high dilutions of a product (as used in homeopathy) have an indisputable biological effect.

Jacques Benveniste carried out hundreds of similar experiments, and dozens of new experiments on high dilutions. He noted that the activity of solutions of highly diluted histamine was suppressed by ultrasounds, or by heating these solutions to 70°.

He asked for these experiments to be performed in three other research laboratories in Toronto, Canada, in Milan, Italy and Marseille, and they all arrived at the same results.

Despite all his efforts to earn recognition for his work, he was accused of having presented false results.

Ten years later, in 1997, three editions of the newspaper Le Monde were dedicated to an attempt to rehabilitate his work, with explanations, discussions and analyses of the results. Yet, in spite of this, Jacques Benveniste died in 2004, villified by the scientific community.

The impact of quantum physics on biology

The work of Jacque Benveniste had nonetheless awoken the curiosity of some. Professor Luc Montagnier, discoverer of the AIDS virus, had himself faced much antagonism before he was awarded the Nobel Prize in 2008 for his work. He revisited Benveniste’s research with one of Benveniste’s collaborators, Djamal Aissa. In the USA, a group of researchers interested in the mysteries of water decided to organise a series of ‘Water Conferences’. These still take place every year, uniting a hundred researchers from all over the world and a growing number of doctors.

The arrival of quantum physics has had significant implications for water research. In  order to understand the mysteries of the water molecule, H2O, which represents 99% of the molecules composing our cells, Professor Montagnier in France, and Professor Jerry Pollack in the USA, worked together with quantum physicists who approached their research by way of quantum science. Giuliano PreparataEmilio Del GuidiceVladimir VoeikovGuiseppe VitielloMae-Wan Ho, and Marc Henry,  have all worked together to bring Benveniste’s research to a successful conclusion. 

In particular, as Marc Henry explains very clearly in his book ‘L’Eau et la Physique Quantique’ (‘Water and Quantum Physics’ - Dangles), the double liaison O-H (hydrogen liaison) of the water molecule can only be understood by using quantum physics, which gives us an understanding of the fields of quantum coherence at the origin of the memory of water. Emmanuel Ransford, in his excellent book – ‘L’Univers Quantique Enfin Expliqué’ ‘(The Quantum Universe Finally Explained’) explains the workings of qantum physics.  For now, there are two essential principles:The first is the wave-particle duality, which demonstrates that any quantum particle, a photon, an electron or a proton for example, is also a wave. An electron sometimes behaves like a tiny ball of matter, and sometimes like a group of waves.The electron seems to exist as a particle only when we measure it. When it is not being observed, however, it reverts to the form of a wave.

The second is the theory of the famous EPR paradox (Einstein–Podolsky–Rosen). This theory concerns particles which have interacted in a common past, and as a result, remain connected, even at infinite distances. They are described as non-separable or entangled.

We can now understand why Werner Heisenberg wrote that when physics began to explore the quantum realm, it lost a number of illusions – the illusions of objectivity, causality, completeness, even the reality of the objects to which it refers. Objectivity and reality fall to pieces, since the properties and the very existence of the object that we measure depend on the act of measurement. 

The extraordinary action of intracellular water

Water is  the only element capable, in the natural state, of presenting itself in three different forms – as a liquid, a solid (ice), or a gas (steam). It is the arrangement of water molecules between themselves which in part explain its properties. 

In reality, there exist several sorts of water, all united under the same formula, H2O. A water molecule is characterised by the sharing of one electron from each of its constitutive atoms. Since the electrons are attracted more strongly to the oxygen atom than to the hydrogen atoms, they create a sort of imbalance, which in turn creates an electric dipole. This electric dipole is at the origin of a particular phenomenon – the attraction of water molecules to each other by hydrogenated liaisons. These reciprocal attractions form the tetrahedral geometry characteristic of liquid water. But these liaisons are ephemeral, lasting for only one thousandth of a billionth of a second, making any form of stability impossible. For this reason, water is an almost universal solvent, as much as it is an indispensable condition for biochemical reactions in the organic milieu. 

Without water, no life is possible. From the proteins of ADN to the enzymes of antibodies, all need water and hydrogenated liaisons in order to exchange, act, and interact together. Water occupies a central and primordial place in living organisms, but intracellular water, which makes up two thirds of the volume of the water in the organism, is associated with the thousands of macromolecules which bathe in the cytoplasm. Each one of these macromolecules is surrounded by a very thin film of water which participates in their functioning and their organisation, thus guaranteeing correct cellular behaviour. But intracellular water is unlike the water with which we are familiar in nature, and we are now going to explore its secret functions, hidden in each of our cells.

The fourth phase of water is the major discovery by Professor Jerry Pollack, concerning the incredible workings of intracellular water. Take an absorbent surface similar to that of the cellular membrane of Nafion, for example, and add water. Immediately, the water will structure itself differently – creating, in contact with the absorbent surface, a film of water with particular properties, named by its discoverer "EZ water" or Exclusion Zone water. This exclusion zone takes its name from the fact that the solutes which were present in the water are rejected from this zone. You can add to the water anything you like - ions, microspheres, bacteria, any of the chemical substances on Earth. If you then bring it into contact with an absorbent surface, the particular structure of the water will force all the solutes out of the exclusion zone, and create, just beneath it, what Jerry Pollack has called bulk water. This is a wonderful property which enables the depollution and desalinisation of water in a very simple manner, without the need for high tech, and is already used all over the world.

The molecules of water are structured in a very specific manner in the exclusion zone, where the hydrogen atoms are shared by the oxygen atoms in the form of hexagonal rings. The hydrogen atoms, which have a positive charge, are then ejected into the frontier film with the bulk water (1H+5O-). After having exported all the hydrogenated, positively charged protons, the exclusion zone takes on a negative charge. If you have a negatively charged zone, and below that a positively charged zone (bulk water) then you have a battery. Professor Jerry Pollack designed an experiment in which he introduced microelectrodes into the two films of EZ water and bulk water, and was able to draw enough current to light a small LED. The physical and chemical properties of the exclusion zone are absolutely extraordinary. The ring-form structures function in a vibratory mode, capturing the electromagnetic waves and creating domains of quantum coherence which are veritable antennae, picking up, storing and transmitting information to the whole organism in an instant. Maintaining these exclusion zones is vital for health, as a source of both information and energy, which exist in parallel with the better-known work of the mitochondria, - all these intracellular functions are closely entangled. 

We are therefore living batteries – the water in our bodies is not unstable, but stacked in layers according to whether it is pure, or densified and charged. The electromagnetic understanding of cellular water, and its capacity to become both a transmitter and a receptor of information which can regulate cellular functions, enables us to understand the workings of homeopathic treatments, acupuncture and certain electromagnetic field therapies. And also the dangers of a toxic electromagnetic environment that some people, like Electro Hyper-Sensitives, find they can no longer tolerate. As Mae-Wan Ho states very gracefully, the coherence within these structures of water is at the root of the coherence of our entire human organism. Light and sound can also organise cellular water and act on the structures present in the solution, which Jacques Benveniste called molecular vibrations. In any case, the memory of water is a patent reality.

Digital biology: DNA leaves its electromagnetic signature

Thanks to his research, Professor Luc Montagnier has enabled us, to take the work of Jacques Benveniste on digital biology even further. In 1997, Jacques Benveniste was able to isolate the electromagnetic wave emitted by certain bacteria, like the Colibacillus, and thought that we could use these types of signals to also detect bacteria, viruses and parasites. Using this technique, Professor Luc Montagnier also managed to detect numerous viruses like AIDS, hepatitis, but also the Suterella bacteria in autism and BorelliaBartonella .  In his research on the memory of water, DNA was extracted from a pathogenic bacteria or virus and pure water was introduced into about 20 test tubes.

We introduce a nanogramme of the DNA of an AIDS virus, for example, into a test tube, then we proceed with a high dilution. So we take 1/10th of the solution from the first test tube with a pipette, we introduce it into the second tube and add 9 volumes of water - dilution to 1/10th .

Theoretically, the tube therefore contains ten times less of the initial DNA molecule. We then strongly shake the tube and repeat this procedure several times - after the fifteenth dilution, we consider that we are now only diluting water with water.

Each of these tubes is placed on a coil, which plays the part of a microphone / amplifier, which enables us to pick up any waves and direct them to a sound card, which makes it possible to digitise the waves emitted. Generally, it is at about dilutions 10ˉ⁷ to 10ˉ⁹ that we notice the emissions of electromagnetic waves, known as EM signals, which can then be sent via the Internet to another laboratory, for example in Milan or Moscow, and there we proceed with the same process in reverse.

Once again, we expose a test tube of pure water to the EM signals transmitted and amplified by the computer and sent to a test tube via the coil which this time plays the role of a loudspeaker. This phase lasts for about an hour.

Then the water which has been exposed to the EM signals is analysed by the PCR system (Polymerase Chain Reaction), which consists of introducing into the water the basic chemical elements which constitute the DNA, and an enzyme called the TAQ polymerase (Thermus Aquaticus). In the presence of a tiny piece of DNA, the TAQ polymerase resynthesises the entire DNA chain – the test tube contains nothing other than water informed by the EM signal of a tiny piece of DNA situated thousands of kilometres away. Yet the polymerase will function and create the viral DNA identical to that which was used in the experiment. It is therefore possible to memorise a sequence of DNA in water, via its electromagnetic signature.

With this technology, Professor Montagnier has explored several types of neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, but also autism. He found the prevalence of certain germs connected with these diseases. The presence of Borrelia was found in 19 out of 20 patients affected by Alzheimer’s disease… and Suterella was found in between 70 % and 90 % of cases of autistic children, according to the different studies made where our serologies remain negative.

Pioneering a new era in medicine

Earlier, Jacques Benveniste had also achieved surprising results when he caused the heart of a guinea pig to beat using nothing but water informed by adrenaline. There was no trace of the chemical molecule, nothing other than the information from this molecule, or in other words its EM signature. The effect of this informed water lasted for three hours. Applications of this memory of water research are starting to appear – for example, in San Diego the E wave of certain chemo medicines (Glivec)is used to treat cerebral tumours. Glivec will not cross the hemato-encephalic barrier, although it is potentially active on the tumour, which is a very elegant way of avoiding the problem without causing any secondary effects.

It has taken us thirty years to have in our sights - the possibility of creating a true revolution in terms of biology and medicine, thanks to the courage, perseverance, and faith in the discoveries of Jacques Benveniste. According to Dr Rachel Naomi Rehmen in her book The Human Patient, this is truly the beginning of a new era of medicine.

But the real revolution will be the realisation by humankind of what is contained in our deepest nature, thanks to the advances of quantum physics finally applied to biology and medicine. Our body is not only matter. 

We are discovering, thanks to the properties of intracellular water, that we are energy, light, sound and vibration as well.